Tuesday, August 27, 2013

#1 -Song of the "Year One Church Planters Top 10"

 "Revelation Song"

There is not much I can say about this song, except it is the cry of my heart.  I truly believe every believer longs to say these words to our tri-une God.

Notice first - It's a song of admission on our part.  God you are Blessing - God you are Power - and Strength - and Wisdom - and Glory and Honor. 

Second - it;s a song of surrender.  All of those attributes we sing about are all the things we want for ourselves.  But now, as we realize, we will never, ever match up to the God of the universe, WHO IS ALL THESE THINGS, all we can do is bow in his presence and surrender to his Holiness.

Finally, this song is a song we can sing in the throne room of heaven.  Isaiah say, in chapter 6, that there is a antiphonal choir of angels saying: "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God ALMIGHTY, the whole earth is full of His Glory…" Revelation speaks of those gathered round the throne singing and shouting "glory, honor, wisdom, power and strength be unto you oh our GOD."  What a day that will be - AMEN 

Well, that's my list - let the debate begin - what would you have chosen?

Can't wait to do this again next year:-)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#2 Song of the "Year One Church Planters Top 10"

"Holy" by Matt Redman

Along time ago I attended a workshop at a straight up conference at Harvest Bible Chapel in Elgin Ill.  Andi Rozier told us - "Listen to a lot of Matt Redman…he gets worship."  Andi was right.  Matt's songs aren't all pop jingles, though he could write some very good ones I'm sure.  Neither are they just testimony based focusing in on what God has done in his life.  The reason I love to sing Matt's songs in our Worship, is because that is what they are - songs of Worship to our creator.  He is not singing about God - he is singing to God. 

The first song I learned from Matt Redman was Once Again.  "Once again I look upon the cross where you died, I'm humbled by your mercy and I'm broken inside.  Once again I'm thankful, once again I pour out my life…Thank you for the cross, thank you for the cross my friend."  What amazing things to PRAY to God, let alone to sing to Him.  Or how about the Heart of Worship - "I'm coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about You Jesus…"  Never Once - "You are faithful, God You are faithful…"  10000 reasons, Blessed Be the Name, You Alone can Rescue, and much more.  Praise God that the words are hearts are longing to say are being brought out in and through Matt's ministry. 

That brings us to our #2 Song - HOLY.  I remember sitting in Harvest Elgin and singing this song for the first time in a church setting.  It was the bridge that brought me to my knees. The Worship leader began - "Whom shall we say You are" - and we echoed "You're the living God"…"whom shall we say you are" - "You the great I AM".  Not satisfied with our efforts, He reminded us of whom it was we were singing.  When we did it again -all 2000 voices shouted at the top of their lungs - YOU'RE THE LIVING GOD!  YOU"RE THE GREAT I AM!  That church, that is what are heart longs to sing!  Below are the lyrics - read them through - sing them through - notice the gospel truth in each line.  No one is like our God, no one would do what he would do, what he has done.  He is HOLY!

What heart could hold the weight of Your love
And know the heights of Your great worth
What eyes could look on Your glorious face
Shining like the sun

You are holy, holy, holy
God most high and God most worthy
You are holy, holy, holy
Jesus, You are Jesus, You are

Your name alone has power to raise us
Your light will shine when all else fades
Our eyes will look on Your glorious face
Shining like the sun
Who is like You, God?

Chorus [x2]

Who shall we say You are
[SHOUT IT!] You're the living God
Who shall we say You are
[SHOUT IT!] You're the Great I AM
[KEEP SHOUTING!] The highest name of all - You're all You say You are

Chorus [x2]

And You shall come again in glory
To judge the living and the dead
All eyes will look on Your glorious face
Shining like the sun
Who is like You, God?

You are holy, holy, holy
God most high and God most worthy
You are holy, holy, holy
Jesus, You are - 4X

Well, #1 song will be posted tomorrow - what's your guess?

Monday, August 19, 2013

#3 song of the "Year One Church Planters Top 10"

NOT FOR A MOMENT - Meredith Andrews

I remember sitting in Pastor James' office in a "CD Listening Meeting".  This song was the clear favorite of everyone, especially Kathy and James.  Two weeks later Meredith sang this in the Saturday Night service.  To this day, it has been one of the most amazing services I have been to.  People rushing the stage for prayer and people flooding the isles in tears.  To see the Holy Spirit working in people and then to hear the words - "You were reaching in the dark and walking on the water, even when I could not see. In the middle of it all, when I thought you were a thousand miles away, not for a moment did You forsake me - not for a moment did you forsake me." - I was undone!  I needed to get as low as possible, and I did.- God was working and I felt so overwhelmed.  I wasn't sure how much more I could take.  Music has an integral part in our spirit.  I can honestly say I don't get guys who don't sing.  God created us to be worshipers of Him, and singing is one way he loves to hear it.  God has then gifted some writers to put a piece of music together that melts our hearts and gives us a longing for Him.  This is that type of Song for me - Praise the Lord, And every step every breath you are there Every tear every cry every prayer In my hurt at my worst, When my world falls down  - Not for a moment will You forsake me

Abby introduced the song to us at HBC Cambridge during an offering number and we have been singing it regularly.  What an amazing truth - Hebrews 13:5 -" I will never leave you, or forsake you."  Here are the lyrics:
You were reaching through the storm
Walking on the water
Even when I could not see
In the middle of it all
When I thought You were a thousand miles away
Not for a moment did You forsake me
Not for a moment did You forsake me

After all You are constant
After all You are only good
After all You are sovereign
Not for a moment will You forsake me
Not for a moment will You forsake me

[Verse 2]
You were singing in the dark
Whispering Your promise
Even when I could not hear
I was held in Your arms
Carried for a thousand miles to show
Not for a moment did You forsake me


And every step every breath you are there
Every tear every cry every prayer
In my hurt at my worst
When my world falls down
Not for a moment will You forsake me
Even in the dark
Even when it's hard
You will never leave me
After all

Not for a moment will You forsake me

Friday, August 16, 2013

#4 song of the "Year One Church Planters Top 10"

"One Thing Remains"

Think of the incredible promise - Your Love never fails!  Even when I fail, it remains constant and steady and eager for me to return to Him.  Or when I choose to give up and punt on my faith -it never gives up.  Amazingly, it never, ever gives up.  I could be the worst of the worst sinners…like Paul of the New Testament, who called himself the "CHIEF of SINNERS". God's gracious Love had another plan - Salvation.  His love is higher than the mountains, stronger than the thing we fear the most - death and even more constant in our hardest trials.

But I have to confess, in this world of selfishness and dis-contentedness, where relationships are held together by one strand of thread and thrown away over pettiness and stupidity - I am blown away that God never runs out on me.  Not that he can't -HE WON'T; He told us so - "I Will Never Leave You, or FORSAKE YOU." - Hebrews 13:5b.  Every day his mercies are new towards those who love him and are called by his name. Every morning when we wake up - He is there.  Every time we fail - He never gives up, He draws near and urges us to repent and get right.   When we are weak, He is strong.  When we are afraid, He gently, yet powerfully holds are hand.  When we are angry or frustrated because we didn't get what we wanted - He unveils the bigger picture.  BUT HE NEVER BOLTS!  HE NEVER GIVES UP! HE NEVER RUNS OUT ON ME (or you).

Now, I don't know what the author was thinking when they penned this song, but this is the  praise that should be uttered from every believers lips.  It will ring through eternity - "God, your love never fails! Never gives up! Never runs out on me!  I will worship you with all my heart."

 Let's do that now.  Play the video and sing along at the top of your lungs - here's the lyrics:

Your love never fails
It never gives up
It never runs out on me
Your love

Verse 1:
Higher than the mountains
That I face
Stronger than the power
Of the grave
Constant in the trial and the change
One thing remains
One thing remains


Verse 2:

Because on and on and

On and on it goes 

It overwhelms

And satisfies my soul

And I never, ever, 

Have to be afraid 

One thing remains 

One thing remains



In death, in life

I'm confident and covered 

By the power of Your great love 

My debt is paid

There's nothing that can separate
My heart from Your great love

Thursday, August 15, 2013

#5 song of the Year One church planters top ten:

"Open Up the Heavens - Meredith Andrews/Vertical Church Band"

That's what its all about right?! While here on earth, as worshipers, we long for nothing more than the glory of God to rend the heavens and come down!  Even writing that give me a stirring in my heart…thinking about God's glory, his transcendence coming an resting in our service and motivating the unmotivated and saving the unsaved and restoring the hope in marriages and hope in hurts being taken away all the while his word is preached and hearts are listening.  Oh, I long for that every week.

I couldn't decide which version I enjoyed more.  The Vertical Church Band's CD version live was stellar…(see video below). I wish I could have been there, but about 2 times a month, I plug in my iPhone to my car port and crank up Meredith Andrews version.  I love the violin/cello action on the chorus of this song. In the car we joke - with a sense of hopefulness - that we could see my mom and dad up there playing along.  I even have mom's motions down as she breaks out her viola…Its the longing of every believers heart - Lord unveil our eyes and show us your glory and power and strength in this place today!

Open up the heavens,
we want to see you,
open up the flood gates,
a mighty river,
flowing from your heart,
filling every part of our praise

Show us, show us your glory
Show us, Show us your power
Show us, show us your glory LORD!

Lord unveil our eyes!!!
Blessings - Pastor Nate Out

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

OOPS - Forgot #7

#7 - OK!  Some of you faithful followers were wondering - "WHERE IS #7"  Well, truth be told - all for truth on the internet say amen - ok  I forgot!

Don't cheapen the song though because of my mistake please.  Here it is:
"Oh Our Lord" by Paul Baloche.

Jamie and I first heard this song in January at our HBF Pastors Conference in Orlando, FL.  The Vertical Church Band was singing it and Pastor James MacDonald said - "Every one of you should be singing this in your churches."  I forward a link to Shawn and it was put on the closing song list.  Now, the first time we sang it…That was the single most amazing service we had.  I was blown away at what God was doing in our midst - do you remember it now - we just kept coming back to that amazing chorus - "OH OH OH our Lord, OH OH OH our Lord, How majestic is your name in all the earth…"

Now it makes #7 on our list, and I must admit, Pastor James MacDonald was right - great lyrics of worship and a fan favorite at HBC Cambridge.

Here are the Lyrics:

We behold the breaking dawn
the light that shines over everyone
We look to you
we long for you oh Lord

We behold the rising sun
the earth awakes, your hope has come
as we look to you
we long for you oh Lord

Oh, oh, oh Our Lord
Oh, oh, oh Our Lord
How Majestic is your name
In all the earth

We behold the falling rain
Like waters rise, flood this place
We reach for you
We cling to you oh Lord

Oh your name is a light in the darkness
Oh your name is the word of truth
Oh your name, oh your name

Song #6

#6 on the year end top ten is by Meredith Andrews
"The Gospel Changes Everything."

The first time I heard this song (track #10 on her new cd) was shortly after the Vertical Church Book tour event in Columbus.  I sent it immediately to Shawn with these words - "This week is communion and this song is a must during the passing of the elements."  It makes the list at #6 only because we haven't been to faithful at singing it more regularly.  For content alone - it should be #1 or at least #2 behind David Crowders "Sequence #4". (by far my two favorite songs of 2012-13)

Here are the lyrics - sing along as you watch the video:

The gospel changes everything; The turning point in history
Even now it's changing me - From who I was - (think about that - who I was - Praise God for the Gospel!)

The story of my Savior calls- Me to the wonder of the cross
The gospel changes everything And it is changing me

You saved my soul By Your blood
And I'm undone By Your great love
You made a way So I could come
Just as I am To You my God

Jesus changes everything There is no greater mystery
That God would come to rescue me From who I was

The kindness of my Savior calls Me to the wonder of His love
Jesus changes everything And He is changing me

You saved my soul By Your blood
And I'm undone By Your great love
You made a way So I could come
Just as I am To You my God

Friday, August 9, 2013

#8 - God, You are my God!
Surprise NO TIE.  Josh McManaway first shared with me the Joshua Sellers CD.  Joshua Sellers is a worship leader at Harvest in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.  Joshua Sellers wrote this song with many of his Harvest Bible Chapel worship directors here in America, including Rory Nolan. Both his recording and Meredith Andrews recording just bring my heart to a full on race. God, you are my God, your glorious, victorious!  Here's the words:

no praise can define You, no thought can contain You God.
no other one is Holy, no other one is robed in righteousness.
God You are my God, glorious, glorious,

no light can outshine You, no power can defeat You God. no other one is Holy,
no other one is high and lifted up.
God You are my God, glorious, glorious, God You are my God, victorious, victorious.

from the dawn of time You reign, to the end of days, You're the God who saves. sing,
all the earth will shout Your praise. You will never change. You're the God who saves, sing.
God You are my God, glorious, glorious, God You are my God, victorious, victorious.

Ethan the Ezrahite wrote something very similar in Psalm 89:
8 O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you. 9 You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them. (Pastor Nate says - that's awesome)10 You crushed Rahab like one of the slain; with your strong arm you scattered your enemies. 11 The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it. 12 You created the north and the south; Tabor and Hermon sing for joy at your name. 13 Your arm is endued with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted. 14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you. 15 Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O LORD. 16 They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness. 17 For you are their glory and strength, and by your favor you exalt our horn. 18 Indeed, our shield belongs to the LORD, our king to the Holy One of Israel.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

#9 in our year one top ten:
9a - We're United!  Who could forget the live recording at Harvest University!  2500 brothers and sisters in Christ, from all over the world, screaming out "we're united…"  Early on we sang this song about every other week.  Rightly so, it's a great anthem for unity and purpose.  Here are some of the lyrics:
"How good it is to gather at Your throne
Father you have called us as Your own
Bind our hearts together now in love
Be glorified in us
Spirit stir our hearts in unity
Standing in the presence of the King
Lifting up Your Word as one we sing
Be glorified in us; Be glorified in us

Bound as one, standing strong
there is nothing that can over come
for the fame of your Son

9b - JAILBREAK!  not a great title for a worship song, but what great lyrics.  And for our church, instrumentally this is a great fit as well.
"Go on and speak against my borrowed innocence;
The JUDGE is my defense - I'm going free
Right when the gavel fell, I heard the freedom bell
ring through the gates of Hell - I'm going free, I'm going free

Glory, glory, Hallelujah, you threw my shackels in the sea
Glory, glory, Hallelujah, Jesus is my victory - Im going free,

some day I'll fly away on your amazing grace
Your love is my jailbreak I'm going free"


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

#10 - It's a tie!
10a - Beautiful Things by Gungor. 
I have to go back to April pre-launch in our basement and Mike Bergerson showing me the cords to the chorus/bridge.  First time I played it in Drop D!  I remember the whole basement core team singing it and really looking at the words -

"All around
Hope is springing up from this old ground
Out of chaos life is being found in You (
those are some great lyrics)

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us"

10b is my wife's favorite song - Whom Shall I Fear [God of Angel Armies] by Chris Tomlin.  My wife isn't one to suggest much when it comes to worship songs.  I do remember the day she just couldn't get that song out of her head.  She watched the video maybe a dozen times.  What a great truth - "whom shall I fear?"  Be blessed by these lyrics/they are amazing! - This is our God! Worship Him!

"You hear me when I call; You are my morning song
Though darkness fills the night; It cannot hide the light
          Whom shall I fear?
You crush the enemy; Underneath my feet
You are my sword and shield; Though troubles linger still
           Whom shall I fear?

I know who goes before me; I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies Is always by my side
The one who reigns forever He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies Is always by my side.